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A Deeper Dive Into The Species Involved

Animal Testing: A Global Controversy

A Deeper Dive into the Species Involved


Many different species are used around the world for animal testing, but the most common include mice, fish, rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs. Mice and rats are purpose-bred for this purpose, meaning they are bred specifically to be used in experiments. This helps to ensure that they are healthy and have the genetic characteristics that make them suitable for research.

Facts and Figures on Animal Testing

Millions of Animals Used and Killed Annually

Millions of animals are used and killed in scientific procedures every year. In the United States alone, an estimated 26 million animals were used in research in 2019. This number includes both animals that were killed as part of the experiment and animals that were used for breeding purposes.

Wide Range of Animal Species Involved

The vast majority of animals used in research are mice and rats, but other species are also used, including dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, and non-human primates. The type of animal used depends on the specific research question being asked.

Ethical Concerns and the 3Rs

Animal testing raises a number of ethical concerns, including the pain and suffering that it can cause animals. In response to these concerns, the concept of the 3Rs has been developed. The 3Rs stand for replacement, reduction, and refinement. Replacement refers to the use of non-animal methods whenever possible. Reduction refers to the use of the minimum number of animals necessary to achieve the desired results. Refinement refers to the use of methods that minimize pain and distress in animals.
